Monday, February 10, 2014

Strawberry Parade

This is the Strawberry Parade that I made with Adam,Char and George.
We built it for the Waco Lego Contest. It has people watching the parade. In the parade there are floats, horses, cars, and spectators.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Lego quest #14

These are the pictures of Lego quest #14.

 Charlie age 10

 George age 9

 Will age 12

 Adam age 9

Me age 10

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Lego Quest #13

These are the pictures of 
Lego quest #13.
 Me age 10

 Adam age 9

 Me and Caleb age 12 and 10

 Andrew age 6

 Charlie age 10

 George age 9

Will age 12

Next Lego Quest is here

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Lego #12

These are the pictures of Lego 
Quest #12.

Me age 10

 Andrew age 6

 Will age 12

 Charlie age 10

 George age 9

Ben age 5

Next weeks quest is here

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Lego Quest #11

These are the lego quest 
Creations for Lego quest #11
Adam age 9

Me age 10

 Charlie age 10

 George age 9

Will age 12

 Caleb age 12

Next weeks quest is here

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Lego Quest #10

These are the Lego creations 
of Lego quest #10.

 Charlie age 10

 George age 9

 Will age 12

 Adam age 9

 Me age 10

Caleb age 12

Next Lego quest is here.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Lego quest #9

These are the pictures of 
Lego quest #9

 Will age 12
 George age 9
Washington Monument 
 Charlie age 10 
 Caleb age 12
Ancient Egyptian Temple
 Me age 10
Adam age 9
Stone hedge

Next weeks Lego quest is here