Friday, April 26, 2013

Lego quest #14

These are the pictures of Lego quest #14.

 Charlie age 10

 George age 9

 Will age 12

 Adam age 9

Me age 10

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Lego Quest #13

These are the pictures of 
Lego quest #13.
 Me age 10

 Adam age 9

 Me and Caleb age 12 and 10

 Andrew age 6

 Charlie age 10

 George age 9

Will age 12

Next Lego Quest is here

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Lego #12

These are the pictures of Lego 
Quest #12.

Me age 10

 Andrew age 6

 Will age 12

 Charlie age 10

 George age 9

Ben age 5

Next weeks quest is here

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Lego Quest #11

These are the lego quest 
Creations for Lego quest #11
Adam age 9

Me age 10

 Charlie age 10

 George age 9

Will age 12

 Caleb age 12

Next weeks quest is here

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Lego Quest #10

These are the Lego creations 
of Lego quest #10.

 Charlie age 10

 George age 9

 Will age 12

 Adam age 9

 Me age 10

Caleb age 12

Next Lego quest is here.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Lego quest #9

These are the pictures of 
Lego quest #9

 Will age 12
 George age 9
Washington Monument 
 Charlie age 10 
 Caleb age 12
Ancient Egyptian Temple
 Me age 10
Adam age 9
Stone hedge

Next weeks Lego quest is here

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Lego quest #8

This weeks lego quest was to make
 something with a shadow. 
And these are the pictures.

 Me age 10 

 Caleb age 12

Adam age 9
Will, Charlie and George

Will Age 12

Charlie age 10

George age 9

Next weeks quest is here

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Lego quest #7

These are the pictures of 
lego quest #7.
Sorry that it was late.

Ethan age 10 Adam age 9

  Will age 12 Charlie age 10
And we have Izzy age 4

Next weeks lego quest is here.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Lego quest #6

               These are the lego creations of
          lego Quest #6

Will age 12, Charlie age 10, George age 8,
Andrew age 6, and Ben age 5 

Me age 10,  Caleb age 12, Adam age 9

The next lego quest is here.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Lego Quest #5

These are the pictures
of lego quest tools #5
 Will age 12
A wrench

 George age 8
A hammer
Charlie age 10
A pick ax

Anwen age 11
The tree cutter from the Lorax

 Adam age 9
A hammer
Caleb age 12
A drill

Me age 10
A screwdriver

Next weeks quest is here.