Wednesday, January 30, 2013

lego quest #3

These are the lego creations 
of lego Quest #3

George age 8 

Okay this is kinda a weird ''vessel", but it is a bowl type
thingamabobber that holds a liquid (water) with a flower in it (duh) so i 
think its a vessel
Anwen age 11
Charlie age 10 

 Will age 12

Ethan (me) age 10

Adam age 9 

Caleb age 12
Next weeks challenge is here

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

More lego quest #1

 Charlie age 10
 Zane age 7
 Will age 12
"Cool Car" by Quint age 9
George age 8

Anwen age 11

Next lego quest is here. It is a vessel. Pictures will be posted next Wednesday.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Lego quest #1

The quest is to build a car. Here are ours.

By Adam, age 9

By Abigail, age 6

By Caleb, age 12
By Ethan, age 10

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Lego trip to Columbus

We went to the Columbus art museum on Christmas break with my cousins to see a lego exhibit and these are some pictures.

This is my favorite.
 This is my Moms favorite.
 This is a lake in Columbus.
 This is downtown Columbus and we 
also drove on the bottom left road.
 This is me with my brothers and cousins looking at the 
Ohio state football field.
And this is a picture of some really tall buildings in Columbus.